The Orange Movement Democractic Party’s Disability League (ODL)

The ODL is a network of Kenyans with disabilities that subscribe and are committed to ODM’s philosophical and ideological ideals of social justice and social democracy. The pillars of the Disability League are card carrying female (1,141) and male (4,859) party members of all ages drawn from across the 47 counties of the Republic of Kenya. 

The core mandate of the League is to represent interest of PWDs in ODM through structured and principled relationship with party organs and leadership; while at the same time engaging with and influencing external political governance and policy dialogue processes at County, National, Regional and Global levels. 

The League pursues its mandate through disability mainstreaming, heightening visibility, enhancing negotiating power and securing interests and concerns of PWDs in governance processes at all levels. 

The Vision of ODL is “to be a model Disability Democrats League that makes ODM the most Disability inclusive political party in the world.” 

The Mission of ODL is “to empower persons with disabilities to increase their independence through choice and full participation in Kenya’s governance structures and in ODM through disability mainstreaming and leadership positioning.” 

The governance structure of ODL comprises of the ODL National Convention, which is the highest policy organ; the ODL National Executive Committee which reports to and executes decisions of the National Convention; 47 County Executive Committees and Coordinators which report to the National Executive Committee; 290 Sub-County Coordinators; Ward Coordinators; and, Polling Station Coordinators 

Lined Activities

Current activities aim to

1) Enhance of ODL official governance structure 

2) Work with Party officials at all levels for representations in committees and main party delegates’ congress

3) Preparations for ODL national delegates congress and launch of strategic engagement framework

4) Strengthens Participation and Visibility of PWDS in party

5) Membership recruitments

6) Reaching out to grassroots and ensure visibility of ODL

7) Sensitization on party and party position on BBI

PWDS are encouraged to engage party at the grassroots and work closer with the party officials for more visibility. 
